
1. Couple “A” is uncertain about their marital future. They love each other but have lost touch, in part, due to their challenging professional lives and schedules. Weekly daytime therapy sessions are nearly impossible to arrange, but they want to improve their relationship.

They make the following arrangements: 
• The therapist will come to their home for a weekend of intensive work.
• They commit to doing follow-up assignments and reading.
• Six weeks later they will have a second intensive session at the therapist’s office.     This is for a Saturday morning as part of their weekend away.

2. Couple “B” has encountered an affair crisis. They think they want to stay together but are experiencing a great deal of shock and confusion.

They make the following arrangements:
• They arrange to have a daylong intensive session at the therapist’s office.          
• In order to avoid home-life interruptions and insure privacy, they fly to a location near the office and secure a hotel room.
• As part of a stabilization plan they agree to weekly phone sessions.

3. Couple “C” is stable and wants to improve their communication. They have trouble with certain ongoing conflicts that, despite their best efforts over the years, remain unresolved. Because of their travel schedules and children’s activities, they have limited time.

They make the following arrangements:
• Four intensive Monday morning sessions-one per month-are scheduled at the therapist’s office.
• They also commit to communication practice and relevant reading between sessions.

Seminars, retreats and presentations on couple’s issues are available.

Traditionally couples schedule therapy sessions once a week. This routine creates a manageable time frame for absorbing new information and doing work between sessions. The frequency insures that behavioral changes and new skills can be reinforced. Any struggles with implementation or new relational problems can be addressed quickly.

Creative non-traditional options can be arranged for couples unable to use a traditional approach to therapy. Intensive work can be scheduled during the week or on weekends. With this approach couples schedule larger blocks of time, such as a full day or an entire weekend. The amount of time, the location and the focus of the therapy can be tailored to your particular needs. These options are best suited to specific problem-solving, crisis stabilization and skill development.

Therapy for couples and individuals

Curtis Birky, PhD